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Mathematical Summer in Paris – an online event from June 26th to 30th 2023

Hello, At Université Paris-Saclay (France), we are once again organizing an online summer school in mathematics for students aged 16-20. We are currently trying to reach those who may be interested. The link to the summer school : https://mathinparis2023.imo.universite-paris-saclay.fr/ The school will be in English. Applications are open until June 11th. In our previous edition in 2021, many of the participants of the IMO took part in the school, which is why we are contacting you (we found your contact information of the IMO official website). Is it possible to advertise the school to the participants in your country? Below is a short description of the school. Best regards, Pierre-Guy Plamondon, for the organizing committee --- The “Mathematical Summer in Paris” summer school, June 26-30 2023, will bring together young people aged 16 to 20 who are passionate about mathematics and allow them to discover some of its many facets. Lectures by famous mathematicians will cover a wide range of topics, including combinatorics, computational algebra, data analysis, geometry, information theory and number theory. There will also be problem solving activities. The school will be held in English and will be completely online. Applications are open until June 11th - there is a limited number of places for full access to the school, so don't delay if you wish to register! Apply now at https://mathinparis2023.imo.universite-paris-saclay.fr/

Нийтэлсэн: 2023-05-26, Сүүлийн засвар: 2023-05-26